Friday, December 11, 2009

No Change

I can't believe that it's happened again...I've said that I'm going to blog every week and then I forget all about it in the mix of everything. I'm embarrassed to say that everything is pretty much the same. I have NOT started my weight lifting on a regular basis, I'm still snacking at night, and I have NOT been logging all I eat into the Livestrong website. Why? Well, like everyone else I have a million excuses and have been busy. If anything I'm truly thankful that I'm teaching spinning at the Summit. I know that if I was not teaching than I would be skipping workouts, and then I know I would be gaining. My class has really been fluctuating it's either feast of famine and I've found out that a lot of Summit members don't like to come in to workout when it's cold out:) (I can't blame them, if I was curled up on the couch nice and cozy I don't know if I would make it in to class either) Overall, I'm staying at the same weight and doing the same thing (spin 3x a week). I know I need to kick it in, and I HATE to do it on the 1st of the year with everyone else in the country...the positive thing is when the gym is packed at the beginning of January I will definitely have a bike during the spin class:) If you're looking to burn some calories during this holiday season come try a class...(you'll burn an average of 600cals in about 45mins, it doesn't get much better than that)...I'll be there, and I will be posting as I get my act together for my NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Sumo Wrestler Diet

I just want to start by saying sorry, I didn't think it would be this long between posts...I often sit down to write, but then I feel like I have nothing new to say...(meaning=no change). I'm still teaching spin and enjoying it, but that's where it pretty much ends. I've gotten my weights out of the attic to workout by myself at home, but it hasn't happened yet. Last year I began the Body for Life Challenge on Nov 1st, and I LOVED lifting weights (it's very empowering). Unfortunately, along with all the changes in my personal life my schedule no longer matches up with my workout partner's, and that stinks because now I don't have anyone expecting me to show up, or to push me. In my spin class I try to push myself, but it's my job to be the motivator, and sometimes I really miss being motivated by someone else.

I was watching the Biggest Loser a couple of weeks ago and it got me thinking about what am I doing to stop myself from losing weight? I figured it out, and it makes me sad because it's something I'm very comfortable with: I eat at night after I put my kids down to bed and I do it while I'm vegging out in front of the's just so relaxing, I don't have to think about anything, I'm entertained, and the food tastes good. It's really hard to make yourself reflect and pinpoint what you're doing wrong, but I know that this is my demon that I need to take care of to get to where I want to be. I decided to just eat Jello, but my girlfriend/registered dietitian told me "NO" that I needed to get out of the habit of eating at all after dinner, or I would eventually go back to eating crap again...I hate it when she's right. I don't want her to be right, I'm in a nice comfortable routine...ugh. I HAVE TO CHANGE THIS, and soon:(
After talking with another friend about this I found out that I'm on the Sumo Wrestler Diet and never knew's one diet that I have unfortunately adhered to. I copied the following from some diet Internet site and forgot to site it (it's not my writing, and someone deserves the credit, but not sure who...sorry).

Sumo Wrestlers: This is How You Get Fat
1. Skip breakfast. By depriving their bodies of food after eight hours of sleep, their metabolic rates stay low.
2. Exercise on an empty stomach. If their bodies have no food, their metabolic thermostats are turned down even lower to conserve fuel.
3. Take a nap after eating. The Sumo secret for gaining weight is that, after eating, they sleep for at least four hours.
4. Eat late in the day. Going to bed with full stomachs means that their bodies must respond to the huge flood of nutrients with a rush of insulin, forcing their bodies to store some of it in the cells as fat instead of in the muscles and organs as nutrients.
5. Always eat with others in a social atmosphere. According to leading researchers, a meal eaten with others can be at least 44 percent larger and with 30 percent more calories and fat.

I have know idea if the above is true, but if it is I'm following some of the rules that's for sure. Last week I did plan my menu for the week, went grocery shopping only for the things on the list, and have followed it for the most part (mornings are hard). I plan to work out the wrinkles next week, and I'm challenging myself & anyone else to get on board and eat healthy, exercise 5x a week over this holiday season....I'm looking at NOV 1st to begin my challenge. I will post my weekly intake vs. calories burned (even if I don't have time to post much else).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I've blogged, and of course I have a million excuses (new job, new schools, sickness), but I think everything is starting to level out I'm back. I've been teaching my indoor cycling class MWF at 5pm and I feel that it's going good. I had a full class this past Monday and it's so much more exciting when the room is full. My mom actually takes my class and told me that she "hated" me half way thru the workout, I was so pleased...yes, it's a compliment! This past week and a half has been a real struggle teaching as I've been sick and have not been able to completely shake it. Although, I did learn that I can teach off the bike if needed and it actually allows me to check people's form and make corrections discretely, which is nice. When I think about it I can't believe that I'm instructing because it's not something that I ever thought I would do, but I really enjoy it! I think I get a better workout because I'm pushing myself to push the people taking the's really cool.

Okay, my weights training has taken a backseat again....along with my eating. One would think that when you get a nasty cold that you would stop eating, but no not me...ugh. I got on the scale this morning and I've only lost 1lb since my last post, and I know it's because I've been eating fast food for the past week. I was watching the Biggest Loser last night (thank God it's back on... so motivating) and they were showing how to make several snacks/meals at one time and then package it into separate baggies and put it in the fridge....this is what I need to do. For my job I'm driving from house to house, so what's in between? yes, you guessed it....FAST FOOD. I need to carry a cooler with things that I enjoy eating and that are healthy.

Enough said....I know what it is that I should be doing, but now it's time to make the commitment to do it. I'm going to hold off until next week to get back to lifting weights (still not feeling 100%), and after eating dinner tonight at my mother in law's house (chicken spaghetti and my favorite refrigerator cake) I will be back on track with my eating TOMORROW.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fit to Tell?

This last week was somewhat successful, I finally have lost 2 more pounds which puts me at my lowest weight since having my last baby (who by the way just turned 3!). I've been burning a ton of calories in spin (averaging 550-670 for 55 min workout), but I need to get my schedule down for getting my weight training in. This week my oldest will begin kindergarten and then next week my youngest goes 2 days a week to mother's day out, and I go back to work part time while they are in school, plus teaching spin 3x a week at 5pm...I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and at this point I'm not sure how I'm going to make it work, so I'm a little frustrated and anxious. By the way school begins way to EARLY for kindergarten (7:45am...really, I don't think my kids have ever gotten up before 8am!). This week I have found my food choices a little easier and I have this blog to thank for it. I was thinking about what I was going to write and it hit me "FIT TO TELL" and I realized I am NOT "fit to tell", at least not yet. I know that this is a way to blog about my journey to get fit, but I feel that I've been failing, at least with the eating (they say it's what 85% what you eat). In the end I want to look back and say, "wow, I did it", not "there goes another year"...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Belly Dancing?

I went into the gym to practice a spinning routine a couple of months ago and I ran into a girl wearing a RED sash that was covered in medallions...hmmm....curious I asked her what she was doing and she said BELLY DANCING. She invited me to come into the class and I agreed, but I only wanted to watch. Sure enough as I was "watching" the instructor kept telling me to jump in! Finally, I consented and joined the group was so much fun! I could tell that my core and legs were getting a workout all while I was feeling a little SEXY! Well, needless to say I was hooked, but I really wanted a scarf with the medallions to shake like the other girls. I signed up for my 1st month of classes and have really enjoyed it. When we get going my heart rate goes up and just as I begin to sweat we take a break :( I was really wanting to use this fun dance as a way to burn calories that's different from anything that I've been doing, but I guess we have to learn the steps and hip/belly movements before we can just keep dancing. One thing that I loved was that the instructor says, "We are NOT ladies in here...all lady like behavior is left at the door. When you enter here you are a hotty", I have to admit it feels good to let all inhibitions go, relax, and tune into your body. Since I'm not getting the workout that I wanted I at least plan on making up a dance to show off at home (hee, hee)! My kids also love wearing my hip scarves when we dance around the living room! Overall, if you're looking for some fun and different try belly dancing, but unless it's a steady dance you're doing I don't think it's going to add up to much for calorie burn (I only burned 320 cals in 1 1/2 hr session!)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What am I doing?

Yes, I'm going to report another week of good workouts, and poor eating. I need some professional help. I have the best of intentions and plans, but then it all falls apart. Spinning has been going great I'm burning about 600-680 calories a class (about a 100 more than when I take a class), and some people are becoming "regulars" in the class which is exciting! I began lifting again and it always amazes me how good that it makes me feel. I wish that I had someone willing to cook all of my meals & snacks, so I didn't have to put any effort into my eating. That's where the problem lays: the planning, the shopping, the preparing, and the cleanup that go into every meal, especially when it's 6x a day..ugh Does anyone have any good meals that are quick & healthy? I'm trying to do an equal balance of carbs and protein for the day with veggies added in. HELP ME!!! I met this one women who was talking about all the cooking that she does for her husband that is body building..WOW, can I get a wife?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another week passed

Okay...this blog is definitely a reality check. I've been dreading writing this post, again. I don't know what's wrong with me....why can't I get my eating back in check? I think I need to go to church and get some people praying for me. Truthfully, I do know what it is... Lack of planning. I have to plan out my week of meals to be successful because whenever I try to do it on the fly it always ends up bad. My weight is back to what it was before my anniversary in SA, but if I could just get myself back under control I truly believe that I would be losing some fat!

I just started adding my weight training back into my workout. I've been so obsessed with spinning that I let it take over my workouts, and I stopped lifting. On Sat. I did triceps and chest, and noticed that I have truly missed lifting weights. I was so inspired that I even got up at 5:15am to get to the gym and worked out biceps and back before work this morning (now if that inspiration could only spill over into my diet)!

Spinning is going well over all. It's really weird to be an instructor vs. someone taking a class. I have to do so much planning when before all I had to do was show up! It's difficult to know where I need to change as there is very little feedback...I really enjoy giving the class, but I want to make sure that I'm giving everyone a great workout. Hmmm.....

I've decided that I'm going to log the number of calories that I eat and the number calories I burn for the next 14 days, and if that doesn't motivate me I don't know what will.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yeah, I did it...I gave my very first spin class (solo) last night to a group of 9. I feel that I can breath easily now that it is all over! I have to admit that I felt nervous, although I've been practicing on Tammy for the last 2 1/2 months. It was hard because I wasn't used to having to talk as loud as I did, but I do love to have the music loud too:) Overall, I feel that it was a looked as though everyone was sweating and smiling (for the most part). The part that really killed me was that I took Tammy's class yesterday morning (M-F 8:30am) to give her support...she also came to my class and we were both dying! At the end of the class my legs felt like leaded weights and I was wondering if anyone could tell. I was trying not to laugh because I'm telling them to "push it/you can do it" and I was wondering if my legs were going to stop at any second. I'm looking forward to W, and hope that it goes as well.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Life gets in the way

I've been avoiding writing this blog, and that's because I have to fess up to what I've done...Let me start by saying that my anniversary was on July 3rd and my husband and I were able to get out of town without our two little ones in tow, so I'm sure you can only imagine how my weekend went. Yes, you've guessed it Mexican food, margaritas, cake, margaritas, hot wings, margaritas, pastries, and have I mentioned margaritas? When we returned I just kept going with the "bad" eating and drinking since there was "nothing good" to eat at home. I'm going grocery shopping today so I have no more excuses and getting back on track, it's really hard getting back on track on a Sat. part of me just wants to say "forget about it" it can wait until Monday...yes, I know a classic saying.

In my defense I did work out one of my two days in San Antonio. I did this really good routine in my room that only involved using a deck of cards that I got from my friend/workout partner Tammy. I thought this would be good to share with anyone that will be living out of a hotel room/not able to get to a gym.

The Workout

Take a deck of cards, and remove the Jokers

Flip 3 cards over and add them up

*All face cards are worth 10 & the ace can either be a 1 or 11*

Do each of the following excercises in order until the deck of cards is gone.

1.) Jumping Squats

2.) Jumping Jacks

3.) Jumping Lunges

4.) High Knees

5.) Mountain Climbers

6.) Butt Kicks

7.) Push Ups

8.) Jumping Jacks

9.) Crunches or Bicycles

I really only missed two days of working out, but I'm terrified to get on the scale. I know I've been bad, but it was my anniversary and the 4th of July weekend, and the week following these events....ugh, I need my motivation back. I told myself that I wasn't going to do what I did, but I did it anyhow. This is "LIFE", as my girlfriend Awbrey (who is a registered dietitian) tells me, and that we just have to suck it up and not get overwhelmed with guilt. So, that's what I'm going to do and per her advice I'm staying off of the scale for 2 weeks. I figure if I'm back to where I started in 2 weeks than it is what it is...and I did enjoy myself, but not enough to make it a habit again.

On a final note I just wanted to mention that it was so much easier for me to eat healthy during the fall and winter. When summer is here I just want to hang out at the lake/our pool, and cookout on the grill and have a couple of margaritas and just have all that summer fun....this is truly the time of year that is a challenge for me...say a prayer for me, because I need it!

Tomorrow is the Summit's RE-GRAND OPENING, be sure to swing in and check out all of the new things going on. Among many of things they are adding new cycling/spin classes, which I'm proud to be a part of. I will be joining my workout partner Tammy this Sat at 10:15am to give a joint spin class, and then will begin giving classes on MWF at 5:00pm....come and join me, I'm really excited about this and wondering how this is going to impact my life (all for the good I hope!)

Friday, June 26, 2009 did I end up here again? I was having flashbacks to my time in the Army as I walked up to begin stretching by the tennis courts. I looked around and saw that the other girls were thinking that it was going to be fun, I knew better though, this was good ole' PT. All I could think of as Kino led the class was how much I disliked my drill sgt. and jumping jacks. I will say that the calisthenics didn't last long, and we actually moved on to some stuff that was unexpectedly fun.
We split up into two relay teams, and began the races. Wow, I forgot what it was like to race against someone else, and I forgot how competitive I am! When it was my turn to sprint (yes, for the first time in 15 years) I felt anxious, did my body still know how to run fast? I've had two kids, gained weight, and was worried that I would be really SLOW. To my surprise my body still worked, and it felt great..other than my heart feeling like it would explode out of my chest at any given moment.
We did all kinds of stuff like the bear crawl, crab walk, sprints, etc., but my favorite had to be the BIG OLE' TIRE flips. I have no idea where Kino came up with it, but I never did anything like that in boot camp/PT. We literally had to take a HUGE tire (I think it was at least as tall as me) and flip it over and over, and....over. The first time down I thought it wasn't too bad, but on the way back I didn't know if I was going to make it.
At the end of class I felt great other than a ganglion that popped up on my hand during the crab walk (thanks Kino). I actually left class thinking that it wasn't too bad, and it could have been much harder, and then came the next day. SORE, SORE, SORE. Yep, that about sums up boot camp. To anyone considering going to the class you should, there was a lot of comradrey and cheering for each other (even the other team!).

Weight loss: all I'm going to say about my weigh in is that I loss .5lbs...I'm trying not to get discouraged. If it doesn't do down my at least a pound by next week I think I will just be plain mad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I went into Fuddruckers on Sunday thinking that I would have to eat a “cheat” meal, but I was pleasantly surprised. When I walked in the door there was a sign advertising an ostrich burger. Normally, I think I would have passed it by , but it said something like 40% less fat than chicken and half the calories of a regular burger (don’t quote me because I’m not positive…but you get it, something along those lines). I asked the girl at the register and she promised that it did not taste “gamey”. Boy, was she right, I love ostrich burgers!!! The burger only comes in a ½ pound, so I only ate half, but to anyone that has been eating 96/4 lean beef it is great. As Dr. Seuss would say, “try it, try it and you will see”

The website has been a great tool for me this past week. I forgot how much I love the site. I enjoy watching my pie chart change according to what I eat, and clicking the water jug each time I have 8oz of water (anything to motivate, right?). In the past I would have an “off/cheat” day, and I took it literally…I ate everything I thought about during the week. Needless, to say that the weight came off slow. This week I had 3 “cheats” (2 small fries, and Cici’s pizza), but I had it throughout the week…it was SO much better to spread it out…I felt more “normal”. To wrap it up I still lost 2.5 lbs. I was surprised and pray that it will continue into next week.
Has anyone seen or rode on the new spin bikes at the Summit? OMG they are to die for! I went to class on Sat. and the bike was so smooth, and easy to get a good workout on. I cranked my knob up to what I thought would be an “8”, and I quickly had to turn it down! It was an easy 460 cals in 42 mins…I LOVE SPIN!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Blog

Welcome to my first entry! I decided to go ahead and write about what is plaguing me at the moment, as you have probably already guessed it’s my EATING!! My brain knows that I have to eat right to lose weight, so why over this past month and a half do I keep eating junk? I was following The Eating for Life, by Bill Phillips during my Body for Life Challenge, and now that I’m not officially on a challenge my mind refuses to follow the eating plan…ugh. I really need to get it together. I’ve been working out consistently for the past 2 weeks (I was in a slump for about a month…really inconsistent), and I can really see that my belly has increased in size….GREAT. It is absolutely frustrating because I hate going backwards when I have to work so hard to get any weight off in the first place. So, needless to say I’m having an inner struggle right now. I find that I eat right for the majority of the day, and then I “cheat”, and it is showing. Starting tomorrow I will be entering everything I eat into the LIVESTRONG website (it’s a great site, and really helps you stay accountable for what you do), and logging all of my calories burned for each workout.
FYI: For those of you who do not know me it’s important to stress that I’m not one of the “lucky ones” who can just diet or just exercise to lose weight. I HAVE to do both or nothing changes, and I’m committed to doing it the healthy way (no pills etc). I’ve tried different diets/workout fads and I’m no longer going to put that stress on my body….overall, my goal is be healthier than I was in my early 20’s (wish me luck!)