Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another week passed

Okay...this blog is definitely a reality check. I've been dreading writing this post, again. I don't know what's wrong with me....why can't I get my eating back in check? I think I need to go to church and get some people praying for me. Truthfully, I do know what it is... Lack of planning. I have to plan out my week of meals to be successful because whenever I try to do it on the fly it always ends up bad. My weight is back to what it was before my anniversary in SA, but if I could just get myself back under control I truly believe that I would be losing some fat!

I just started adding my weight training back into my workout. I've been so obsessed with spinning that I let it take over my workouts, and I stopped lifting. On Sat. I did triceps and chest, and noticed that I have truly missed lifting weights. I was so inspired that I even got up at 5:15am to get to the gym and worked out biceps and back before work this morning (now if that inspiration could only spill over into my diet)!

Spinning is going well over all. It's really weird to be an instructor vs. someone taking a class. I have to do so much planning when before all I had to do was show up! It's difficult to know where I need to change as there is very little feedback...I really enjoy giving the class, but I want to make sure that I'm giving everyone a great workout. Hmmm.....

I've decided that I'm going to log the number of calories that I eat and the number calories I burn for the next 14 days, and if that doesn't motivate me I don't know what will.

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