Friday, October 23, 2009

The Sumo Wrestler Diet

I just want to start by saying sorry, I didn't think it would be this long between posts...I often sit down to write, but then I feel like I have nothing new to say...(meaning=no change). I'm still teaching spin and enjoying it, but that's where it pretty much ends. I've gotten my weights out of the attic to workout by myself at home, but it hasn't happened yet. Last year I began the Body for Life Challenge on Nov 1st, and I LOVED lifting weights (it's very empowering). Unfortunately, along with all the changes in my personal life my schedule no longer matches up with my workout partner's, and that stinks because now I don't have anyone expecting me to show up, or to push me. In my spin class I try to push myself, but it's my job to be the motivator, and sometimes I really miss being motivated by someone else.

I was watching the Biggest Loser a couple of weeks ago and it got me thinking about what am I doing to stop myself from losing weight? I figured it out, and it makes me sad because it's something I'm very comfortable with: I eat at night after I put my kids down to bed and I do it while I'm vegging out in front of the's just so relaxing, I don't have to think about anything, I'm entertained, and the food tastes good. It's really hard to make yourself reflect and pinpoint what you're doing wrong, but I know that this is my demon that I need to take care of to get to where I want to be. I decided to just eat Jello, but my girlfriend/registered dietitian told me "NO" that I needed to get out of the habit of eating at all after dinner, or I would eventually go back to eating crap again...I hate it when she's right. I don't want her to be right, I'm in a nice comfortable routine...ugh. I HAVE TO CHANGE THIS, and soon:(
After talking with another friend about this I found out that I'm on the Sumo Wrestler Diet and never knew's one diet that I have unfortunately adhered to. I copied the following from some diet Internet site and forgot to site it (it's not my writing, and someone deserves the credit, but not sure who...sorry).

Sumo Wrestlers: This is How You Get Fat
1. Skip breakfast. By depriving their bodies of food after eight hours of sleep, their metabolic rates stay low.
2. Exercise on an empty stomach. If their bodies have no food, their metabolic thermostats are turned down even lower to conserve fuel.
3. Take a nap after eating. The Sumo secret for gaining weight is that, after eating, they sleep for at least four hours.
4. Eat late in the day. Going to bed with full stomachs means that their bodies must respond to the huge flood of nutrients with a rush of insulin, forcing their bodies to store some of it in the cells as fat instead of in the muscles and organs as nutrients.
5. Always eat with others in a social atmosphere. According to leading researchers, a meal eaten with others can be at least 44 percent larger and with 30 percent more calories and fat.

I have know idea if the above is true, but if it is I'm following some of the rules that's for sure. Last week I did plan my menu for the week, went grocery shopping only for the things on the list, and have followed it for the most part (mornings are hard). I plan to work out the wrinkles next week, and I'm challenging myself & anyone else to get on board and eat healthy, exercise 5x a week over this holiday season....I'm looking at NOV 1st to begin my challenge. I will post my weekly intake vs. calories burned (even if I don't have time to post much else).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'd never heard of the Sumo diet before, but I'm doing a pretty good job of following it myself.

    You've really gotten me thinking about my own late-night tv snacking.
