Friday, June 26, 2009 did I end up here again? I was having flashbacks to my time in the Army as I walked up to begin stretching by the tennis courts. I looked around and saw that the other girls were thinking that it was going to be fun, I knew better though, this was good ole' PT. All I could think of as Kino led the class was how much I disliked my drill sgt. and jumping jacks. I will say that the calisthenics didn't last long, and we actually moved on to some stuff that was unexpectedly fun.
We split up into two relay teams, and began the races. Wow, I forgot what it was like to race against someone else, and I forgot how competitive I am! When it was my turn to sprint (yes, for the first time in 15 years) I felt anxious, did my body still know how to run fast? I've had two kids, gained weight, and was worried that I would be really SLOW. To my surprise my body still worked, and it felt great..other than my heart feeling like it would explode out of my chest at any given moment.
We did all kinds of stuff like the bear crawl, crab walk, sprints, etc., but my favorite had to be the BIG OLE' TIRE flips. I have no idea where Kino came up with it, but I never did anything like that in boot camp/PT. We literally had to take a HUGE tire (I think it was at least as tall as me) and flip it over and over, and....over. The first time down I thought it wasn't too bad, but on the way back I didn't know if I was going to make it.
At the end of class I felt great other than a ganglion that popped up on my hand during the crab walk (thanks Kino). I actually left class thinking that it wasn't too bad, and it could have been much harder, and then came the next day. SORE, SORE, SORE. Yep, that about sums up boot camp. To anyone considering going to the class you should, there was a lot of comradrey and cheering for each other (even the other team!).

Weight loss: all I'm going to say about my weigh in is that I loss .5lbs...I'm trying not to get discouraged. If it doesn't do down my at least a pound by next week I think I will just be plain mad.


  1. I know how frustrating that dang scale can be. Just remember, though, that even half a pound is progress. You're seeing movement and it's in the right direction. You're doing great.

    I wish I was brave enough to go through Kino's boot camp. I think the morning would end with me being defibrillated in the Summit parking lot.

    If you can live through that, you know you're doing well.

  2. Can't wait to restsrt my program with you!
