Friday, June 26, 2009 did I end up here again? I was having flashbacks to my time in the Army as I walked up to begin stretching by the tennis courts. I looked around and saw that the other girls were thinking that it was going to be fun, I knew better though, this was good ole' PT. All I could think of as Kino led the class was how much I disliked my drill sgt. and jumping jacks. I will say that the calisthenics didn't last long, and we actually moved on to some stuff that was unexpectedly fun.
We split up into two relay teams, and began the races. Wow, I forgot what it was like to race against someone else, and I forgot how competitive I am! When it was my turn to sprint (yes, for the first time in 15 years) I felt anxious, did my body still know how to run fast? I've had two kids, gained weight, and was worried that I would be really SLOW. To my surprise my body still worked, and it felt great..other than my heart feeling like it would explode out of my chest at any given moment.
We did all kinds of stuff like the bear crawl, crab walk, sprints, etc., but my favorite had to be the BIG OLE' TIRE flips. I have no idea where Kino came up with it, but I never did anything like that in boot camp/PT. We literally had to take a HUGE tire (I think it was at least as tall as me) and flip it over and over, and....over. The first time down I thought it wasn't too bad, but on the way back I didn't know if I was going to make it.
At the end of class I felt great other than a ganglion that popped up on my hand during the crab walk (thanks Kino). I actually left class thinking that it wasn't too bad, and it could have been much harder, and then came the next day. SORE, SORE, SORE. Yep, that about sums up boot camp. To anyone considering going to the class you should, there was a lot of comradrey and cheering for each other (even the other team!).

Weight loss: all I'm going to say about my weigh in is that I loss .5lbs...I'm trying not to get discouraged. If it doesn't do down my at least a pound by next week I think I will just be plain mad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I went into Fuddruckers on Sunday thinking that I would have to eat a “cheat” meal, but I was pleasantly surprised. When I walked in the door there was a sign advertising an ostrich burger. Normally, I think I would have passed it by , but it said something like 40% less fat than chicken and half the calories of a regular burger (don’t quote me because I’m not positive…but you get it, something along those lines). I asked the girl at the register and she promised that it did not taste “gamey”. Boy, was she right, I love ostrich burgers!!! The burger only comes in a ½ pound, so I only ate half, but to anyone that has been eating 96/4 lean beef it is great. As Dr. Seuss would say, “try it, try it and you will see”

The website has been a great tool for me this past week. I forgot how much I love the site. I enjoy watching my pie chart change according to what I eat, and clicking the water jug each time I have 8oz of water (anything to motivate, right?). In the past I would have an “off/cheat” day, and I took it literally…I ate everything I thought about during the week. Needless, to say that the weight came off slow. This week I had 3 “cheats” (2 small fries, and Cici’s pizza), but I had it throughout the week…it was SO much better to spread it out…I felt more “normal”. To wrap it up I still lost 2.5 lbs. I was surprised and pray that it will continue into next week.
Has anyone seen or rode on the new spin bikes at the Summit? OMG they are to die for! I went to class on Sat. and the bike was so smooth, and easy to get a good workout on. I cranked my knob up to what I thought would be an “8”, and I quickly had to turn it down! It was an easy 460 cals in 42 mins…I LOVE SPIN!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Blog

Welcome to my first entry! I decided to go ahead and write about what is plaguing me at the moment, as you have probably already guessed it’s my EATING!! My brain knows that I have to eat right to lose weight, so why over this past month and a half do I keep eating junk? I was following The Eating for Life, by Bill Phillips during my Body for Life Challenge, and now that I’m not officially on a challenge my mind refuses to follow the eating plan…ugh. I really need to get it together. I’ve been working out consistently for the past 2 weeks (I was in a slump for about a month…really inconsistent), and I can really see that my belly has increased in size….GREAT. It is absolutely frustrating because I hate going backwards when I have to work so hard to get any weight off in the first place. So, needless to say I’m having an inner struggle right now. I find that I eat right for the majority of the day, and then I “cheat”, and it is showing. Starting tomorrow I will be entering everything I eat into the LIVESTRONG website (it’s a great site, and really helps you stay accountable for what you do), and logging all of my calories burned for each workout.
FYI: For those of you who do not know me it’s important to stress that I’m not one of the “lucky ones” who can just diet or just exercise to lose weight. I HAVE to do both or nothing changes, and I’m committed to doing it the healthy way (no pills etc). I’ve tried different diets/workout fads and I’m no longer going to put that stress on my body….overall, my goal is be healthier than I was in my early 20’s (wish me luck!)