Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can I Transform?

I did it...finally. I finished my first week of my 18 week transformation, and found it to be difficult, disappointing, frustrating, enlightening, and hopeful. I know that they may not sound like a good start, but there were was an assignment where I had to answer questions about where I am now in all aspects in my life, what my goals are, and what I feel may prevent me from reaching all my goals. I also had to take a before picture. The picture is what wrecked me. My mental image was better than the actual photo and that was really upsetting. It sounds crazy, but it almost made me want to just give up...I feel like I've come so far since last year physically, and to still not look the way I want to is frustrating. I don't know if watching the Biggest Loser is a good or bad thing. I see contestants go from way bigger than I am to smaller than me in a matter of months. What's wrong with me, why can't I do it in a year? Is it because I have two small girls, a husband (who loves ice cream), a part time job, instructing at the Summit, and volunteering when I can, friends, and family to keep up with? No, I don't think so...I did the Body for Life Challenge, but I got burned out...I'm hoping that this Transformation will be just that I want to transform not only my body, but my mindset. It's the only way that I will change for good. I did have a good week of working out. I did spinning 3x, and did 1/2 of an upper body weight routine, and most of my lower body routine. The lower body killed me as I did more weight than I should have on my quads, and now I'm unable to move. How I'm going to spin tomorrow I have no idea. I've been tracking my calories on Livestrong, and I've been doing well. I am allowed a "cheat day" with the transformation and instead of "cheating" all day I had 2 meals that I "cheated" on. Being able to have food that is not part of my diet, and to eat it in moderation and stay in control is key I believe. Wish me luck for next week, as I try to manage my growling stomach and sore body:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cora,

    I applaud you. Getting fit is not an easy or quick process for most of us. I truly believe if you remain consistent that eventually the changes you wish to see will appear. Also, remember we are our own worst critics so try to give yourself a break. I love biggest loser but I think you must keep in mind that they are working out many many hours a day. Their results are not typical. Hang in there.
