Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Decent Week

This past week overall was pretty good. I went out to dinner and a movie with my husband on Tues. night, and as much as I wanted to try Five Guys burgers I had to decline and ask AJ to take me somewhere else, (We had made reservations for the Great Wolf Lodge indoor water park for Sat, so I knew that I would not be eating healthy there!) so I had a grilled chicken salad with blue cheese dressing on the side that I used very little of. While at the movies AJ was craving ice cream, and I resisted as he sat next to me eating it while my stomach started growling during the 3 hour show.

Speaking of my stomach growling....ugh....I've been doing a great job of not eating anything after dinner, but my stomach is killing me. I think after 30+years of giving myself a snack at night is going to be one of the hardest things that my body is going to have to grow accustom to. When it's really bad I've been drinking one cup of hot green tea with one packet of truvia, and I'm trying to convince myself that I'm fine afterwards!

I got in all of my workouts, including weights, and 15 minutes of abs with Edward (teaches a 30 minute ab class at the Summit) on Sat. I'm still sore from abs, and a little in my rear, but overall I feel physically better. I have lost somewhere between 6-7lbs depending on what my scale says in the morning. I'm happy with it, but I want it to continue, to often I just plateau out after the first 2-3 weeks of losing weight.

My weekend out of town was both good and bad.
The good:
great family time, moving around in the water, going up and down a million stairs both in the park and hotel
The bad:
Eating fast food with my family that wasn't that good....I wish it would have been worth the "cheat"

Under the Transformation I'm supposed to pick a room in my house each week and go through it and de-clutter with the goal making my home a HEALTHY SPACE. I think this a wonderful idea as I often think about things that I want to go through (i.e. bedside drawers, sock drawer, etc) and just keep putting it off, now I have a plan for the next 8 weeks!

This week I plan to do 30-60 minutes extra in cardio and have only one "cheat" meal, I felt so yucky after this past Saturday.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can I Transform?

I did it...finally. I finished my first week of my 18 week transformation, and found it to be difficult, disappointing, frustrating, enlightening, and hopeful. I know that they may not sound like a good start, but there were was an assignment where I had to answer questions about where I am now in all aspects in my life, what my goals are, and what I feel may prevent me from reaching all my goals. I also had to take a before picture. The picture is what wrecked me. My mental image was better than the actual photo and that was really upsetting. It sounds crazy, but it almost made me want to just give up...I feel like I've come so far since last year physically, and to still not look the way I want to is frustrating. I don't know if watching the Biggest Loser is a good or bad thing. I see contestants go from way bigger than I am to smaller than me in a matter of months. What's wrong with me, why can't I do it in a year? Is it because I have two small girls, a husband (who loves ice cream), a part time job, instructing at the Summit, and volunteering when I can, friends, and family to keep up with? No, I don't think so...I did the Body for Life Challenge, but I got burned out...I'm hoping that this Transformation will be just that I want to transform not only my body, but my mindset. It's the only way that I will change for good. I did have a good week of working out. I did spinning 3x, and did 1/2 of an upper body weight routine, and most of my lower body routine. The lower body killed me as I did more weight than I should have on my quads, and now I'm unable to move. How I'm going to spin tomorrow I have no idea. I've been tracking my calories on Livestrong, and I've been doing well. I am allowed a "cheat day" with the transformation and instead of "cheating" all day I had 2 meals that I "cheated" on. Being able to have food that is not part of my diet, and to eat it in moderation and stay in control is key I believe. Wish me luck for next week, as I try to manage my growling stomach and sore body:)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let's Begin

I'm prepping for my next challenge. I'm following the TRANSFORMATION website (the author of body for life) by Bill Phillips and I signed myself up for a 18 week challenge with my girlfriend Tammy. I don't care what it takes I'm going to lift 2x a week, and do my cardio 3-4x, and of course follow a healthy eating plan. As I was about to sit down and write down goals for next year I decided to review my goals for last year and I was pleased to see that I had reached 10 out of my 17 goals. I see it as a positive step in the right direction and I did dream big when I made my dream list last year. Now I'm going to finish those last 7 goals and add a couple more to boot. On Monday I'll be starting the beginning of my 18 weeks and blogging about the pain of the first 2 weeks, but as for tomorrow I'll be on my way to see the Cowboys play:)