Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fit to Tell?

This last week was somewhat successful, I finally have lost 2 more pounds which puts me at my lowest weight since having my last baby (who by the way just turned 3!). I've been burning a ton of calories in spin (averaging 550-670 for 55 min workout), but I need to get my schedule down for getting my weight training in. This week my oldest will begin kindergarten and then next week my youngest goes 2 days a week to mother's day out, and I go back to work part time while they are in school, plus teaching spin 3x a week at 5pm...I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and at this point I'm not sure how I'm going to make it work, so I'm a little frustrated and anxious. By the way school begins way to EARLY for kindergarten (7:45am...really, I don't think my kids have ever gotten up before 8am!). This week I have found my food choices a little easier and I have this blog to thank for it. I was thinking about what I was going to write and it hit me "FIT TO TELL" and I realized I am NOT "fit to tell", at least not yet. I know that this is a way to blog about my journey to get fit, but I feel that I've been failing, at least with the eating (they say it's what 85% what you eat). In the end I want to look back and say, "wow, I did it", not "there goes another year"...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Belly Dancing?

I went into the gym to practice a spinning routine a couple of months ago and I ran into a girl wearing a RED sash that was covered in medallions...hmmm....curious I asked her what she was doing and she said BELLY DANCING. She invited me to come into the class and I agreed, but I only wanted to watch. Sure enough as I was "watching" the instructor kept telling me to jump in! Finally, I consented and joined the group was so much fun! I could tell that my core and legs were getting a workout all while I was feeling a little SEXY! Well, needless to say I was hooked, but I really wanted a scarf with the medallions to shake like the other girls. I signed up for my 1st month of classes and have really enjoyed it. When we get going my heart rate goes up and just as I begin to sweat we take a break :( I was really wanting to use this fun dance as a way to burn calories that's different from anything that I've been doing, but I guess we have to learn the steps and hip/belly movements before we can just keep dancing. One thing that I loved was that the instructor says, "We are NOT ladies in here...all lady like behavior is left at the door. When you enter here you are a hotty", I have to admit it feels good to let all inhibitions go, relax, and tune into your body. Since I'm not getting the workout that I wanted I at least plan on making up a dance to show off at home (hee, hee)! My kids also love wearing my hip scarves when we dance around the living room! Overall, if you're looking for some fun and different try belly dancing, but unless it's a steady dance you're doing I don't think it's going to add up to much for calorie burn (I only burned 320 cals in 1 1/2 hr session!)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What am I doing?

Yes, I'm going to report another week of good workouts, and poor eating. I need some professional help. I have the best of intentions and plans, but then it all falls apart. Spinning has been going great I'm burning about 600-680 calories a class (about a 100 more than when I take a class), and some people are becoming "regulars" in the class which is exciting! I began lifting again and it always amazes me how good that it makes me feel. I wish that I had someone willing to cook all of my meals & snacks, so I didn't have to put any effort into my eating. That's where the problem lays: the planning, the shopping, the preparing, and the cleanup that go into every meal, especially when it's 6x a day..ugh Does anyone have any good meals that are quick & healthy? I'm trying to do an equal balance of carbs and protein for the day with veggies added in. HELP ME!!! I met this one women who was talking about all the cooking that she does for her husband that is body building..WOW, can I get a wife?